Who we are?

The project under name and style of M. S. Enterprises Ltd., was conceived in the year 1993. The board of Directors having their association with medical profession & deep concern for restoration and maintenance of health-MAN’S MOST VALUABLE GIFT – undertook the project as their life time obsession. The spadework was carried out so meticulously while going deep into minutest details that now the project stands as a model reference point for world’s leading LV Manufacturers. The desired location was found 3.5kms. From Raiwind on Kot Radha Kishan Road District Kasur. The lush green pollution free surroundings offer more suitable environments for injectables. 22 Kanal of land with ideal layout of machinery and equipment under 78000 Sq.ft of covered area is perhaps one of the most spacious layouts of similar units in Pakistan.

Our Team

Our team of creative medical leads and Scientist use state of the art technique to carry out smoothly Production of any size.

Our Team

I.V Technology Focus

Company’s technical know-how is supplied by world’s renowned plant manufacturers Mis GETINGE AB (SWEDEN) and Mis ROMMELAG (SWITZERLAND).

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Manufacturing Pipeline

Our manufacturing process life cycle includes Water Treatment, Distillation, Solution’ Preparation, Bottle Making and Filling.

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Newest Technologies

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Taking Care of Nature

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Fair Prices

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High Customer Satisfaction

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Years Experience


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